Guess what will be happening at Reach And Teach starting in July?
At Reach And Teach we believe that the shortest distance between two people is a story. Everything in our store has a story behind it and now we are excited to have one of the world’s best storytellers coming to share her gifts with kids at our shop!
Register now for this special series of events!
Every Wednesday at 10am for eight weeks starting on July 7th, please join acclaimed storyteller and children’s librarian Ms. Sharon (McClintock) and her protege, quite the ham, singer, actor, and store owner Mr. Craig, with a little help from senior artist in charge of merriment Ms. Shelby, as they provide a magical half hour of fun for kids ages 3-6. No charge for anyone, unless you don’t laugh at their jokes (just kidding). Get comfy on the carpet of our outside patio for 30 minutes of fun with three stories, a few songs, and lots of opportunities to wiggle and stretch and dance. Please note that for the dancing portions of the program you should watch Ms. Sharon and NOT Mr. Craig (he’s kinda clumsy but it should be fun)… not sure about Ms. Shelby……
Each week will have a special theme with Week 1 (July 7th) starting with Puppies and Week 2 (July 14th) featuring ROBOTS!!!!
Registration for this event is not required but helpful in our planning for this event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/story-time-at-reach-and-teach-tickets-161343255019